International businesses face a wide range of risks and threats. Unstable political regimes, disruptive non-state actors and rapidly changing social dynamics can jeopardise even the most seemingly settled security environment. Such uncertainties can endanger the lives of personnel, compromise commercial opportunities and lead to legal and reputational harm.
A2 Global Risk provides comprehensive Security Consulting services to help businesses and other organisations manage risks to their personnel and assets while operating in complex or hostile environments.
A2 Global Risk recognises that no two operating environments exhibit the same combination of threats and not all businesses will be exposed to the same degree of risk. As a result our consulting teams work with clients to identify and address whatever security challenges they may confront.
SErvices provided by a2 global risk include:
- Security Audits and Surveys
- Security Engineering and Design
- Logistics and Transportation Security (TAPA, C-TPAT, ISPS)
- Close Protection
- Personal Security Surveys
- Conference and Function Security
- Technical Surveillance Countermeasure (TSCM) sweeps
- Security Awareness Briefings and Seminars
- Security Training
- Security Management Services
- Workplace Security