A2 Global Risk is proud to support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as part of our commitment to furthering the global effort to improve Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environmental Protections and the Anti-Bribery & Corruption agenda.
A2 Global Risk only employs the highest calibre staff who are inspired by the challenges of the contemporary world. We take pride in solving complex problems and testing conventional wisdom so we can achieve excellence through thoughtful innovation.
A2 Global Risk is entirely independent and politically neutral so we can always maintain our values and pursue the best interests of our Clients. We will never give or receive bribes, or permit any other conflict of interest which undermines our business integrity.
A2 Global Risk strives to always do the right thing at the right time, even if it seems difficult or risks embarrassment. We should never be afraid to say ‘No’ or ‘Stop’ if something isn’t right and we endeavour to learn from our mistakes.
Empathy for our colleagues; for our Clients; and for the communities we work in. The deeper our understanding of the world in which we work, the more effective and more rewarding our work becomes.
We make the following commitments to our Clients:
- We will operate to the highest global standards
- We will not pay bribes or provide inducements for services or information
- We will deliver cost-effective solutions
- We will follow all laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate
- All information provided by Clients will be treated in the strictest confidence
- Our staff will not accept gifts of value from Clients, suppliers, contractors or any other third party
- We will not accept commissions from manufacturers or suppliers of security equipment or manpower services
We are a completely independent company that does not sell or market equipment or manpower services on behalf of third parties. All our advice is based on the best interests of our Clients, not on commissions from equipment suppliers or other service providers.